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Frequently asked questions

So you want to know what underinsurance is? Or perhaps you need to know the difference between policy and premium? Insurance can be a maze of jargon that leaves even the savviest business owner scratching their head. But fear not! Lukango is here to slice through the insurance-speak and serve up some straight talk. Let's demystify these terms faster than you can say "policy premium"

Word of the week

  • What is underinsurance?

    Please grab the answer from the social post on Linkedin

About Lukango

  • Who are Lukango?

    Like our customers, we are a small but perfectly formed diverse team bringing over 50+ years of combined experience in insurance, underwriting, claims, and digital product development. This, coupled with a background in technology and a passion for championing the underserved, means we are perfectly placed to support the small businesses we protect.

  • What does Lukango do?

    Lukango is helping today’s small business owners and entrepreneurs (you) protect their business and realise their dreams, by partnering with like-minded insurance providers, who offer flexible, easy to understand insurance cover. You’ll be in control of how little or how much protection you have, and when that protection needs to be in place. It is this flexibility that gives customers a truly personalised experience.

  • Will Lukango insurance cover my business?

    Lukango provides cover for many types of business. Just like you, we’re starting small. We’ve partnered with Markel Direct to launch a specialist product designed to cover online retailers. Whether you sell hand designed t-shirts, pet products, football memorabilia or 1990’s CDs (remember them), we’ll find an insurance partner to cover you.

    As Lukango grows, our next areas of focus are: media, creative, tech, data and wellness. To help you, we continually strive to find trusted insurance partners who can offer you tailored business insurance packages.

General Business Insurance

  • What insurance does a business need?

    Business insurance can cover your company for financial losses if something goes wrong as a result of your day-to-day business activities. The type of cover you need will depend on what type of work you do. Some examples include a customer being injured by your product, damage or theft of your stock, or sickness or injury to someone in your team.

    There are many forms of insurance you can choose to cover your small business, including:

    • Public liability insurance
    • Employers’ liability insurance
    • Product liability insurance
    • Stock insurance

    There are many other types of insurance you might want - check out our blog to find out more.

  • Is business insurance a legal requirement?

    Some insurance is optional but we think businesses should plan for every eventuality by protecting what is important to the successful running of your business . Many of your clients, partners and other companies you work with will need proof of insurance as a requirement before they work with you. A great example is that if your small business attends events, you will need the right level of public liability insurance when the event day arrives.

    Did you know there is one form of business insurance that you are legally required to have? If your business has employees, then you must have at least £5 million of employers’ liability cover. Lukango can help you understand what you need and when you need it.

  • Can I get business insurance before registering my business?

    Yes, if you are in the process of setting up a new business you can purchase cover before registering your business - you won’t be required to have a company registration number or other registration details before buying. Your business might not be launched yet but if you have equipment, stock, or employees then you have risks you may want to consider protecting.


  • What companies are ecommerce?

    When you think about ecommerce, companies like Amazon that started way back in 1994, Alibaba and Ebay probably spring to mind. But to be an ecommerce business, you don't have to be one of those giants.

    An ecommerce business (or online retailer) includes anything from selling secondhand stuff on Etsy, selling products on your own branded online shop built using a platform like Shopify, through to the techy business owners who sell stuff from their online shop they have built from scratch themselves. Lots of small businesses also sell through social media platforms or even social posts.

    Ecommerce businesses benefit from all of the growing technology and tools that mean your customers can buy your products or services from the comfort of their laptops or mobile phones.  Want to get started selling online? Take a look at this blog.

  • What type of insurance is right for my ecommerce business?

    Public Liability which will cover your customers for property damage or injury caused by your business. If you have lots of things to sell, Product Liability covers any injuries or damage as a result of using your products. Once you have people working with you, Employers' Liability will make sure you are protected if one of your employees is injured or gets sick at work and if your money is tied up in your stock, Stock Insurance can help protect you should your stock get stolen or damaged.

  • Doesn’t my home insurance cover the products I sell?

    The short answer here is that unless you have advised your home insurer that you are using your home, Dad's office or garage to store your business stock, then this policy is unlikely to provide the cover you need.

    Our insurer partner Markel Direct’s ecommerce policy provides a range of insurance cover for both your stock and the products you sell, including protection against claims brought about through your interaction with the public or even if you have any employees.

  • What insurance do I need if I sell things online?

    What insurance you will need depends on many different things such as what you sell, who you sell it to, where you sell it - to name just a few.

    A core insurance consideration for people who sell things online is product liability insurance. Whether you create, dropship or upcycle products, product liability coverage protects you and your business against the cost of compensation caused by injury or damage to property caused by a faulty product. Our insurer partner Markel Direct pair product liability with public liability insurance. Public liability insurance offers protection for your small business to cover against accident claims and legal fees, if a member of the public is injured or their property is damaged, as a result of your business operations.

  • Do I need public liability insurance for my online ecommerce shop?

    Whether it is for your home, mobile phone or valuable stuff, the core purpose of insurance is to cover you for damage or loss. The same applies to insurance for your business.

    Public liability offers protection for your small business to cover against accident claims and legal fees, if a member of the public's property is damaged, or injured as a result of your business operations.

  • What do small businesses sell online?

    Did you know that the leading source of shopping inspiration online is Amazon and that the most common payment service in the UK is Paypal? With over 80% of UK consumers being digital online shoppers, if you are thinking of setting up shop online it may be interesting to know that the most commonly purchased items are clothes, shoes and clothing accessories!

  • Will online shopping take over?

    Online is taking the world of shopping by storm and putting strain on our high-street chains. People love the idea of having something ordered and delivered right to their door whether it be that sought after clothing item or fast food delivery. That said, the pop-up and gig economy is booming with entrepreneurs setting up small businesses online to get much needed items to their customers.

  • Which online shopping platform is best?

    The million dollar question that has multiple answers. These days platforms like Woocommerce, Shopify, Etsy and Facebook Marketplace make it easy for you to match the perfect platform with what you sell. The right online shopping platform can only be decided by you depending on how deep your tech knowledge of building an online shop is.

  • Is online retail growing?

    Online retail is booming with the recent announcements of well-known high-street shops like Paperchase and Argos having to rethink their brick and mortar store strategies. Online shoppers rave about just how easy it is to get what you need or desire by the click of a button. Shopping any time, anywhere and without the hustle and bustle of shops is a win for many people. Social apps like TikTok and Facebook even make it easy to purchase the products that are much loved by influencers and product experts.

  • What’s online retail?

    Online retail is where you buy things on the internet without having to leave your house. It's like shopping at a shopping centre but you don't have to walk anywhere or talk to anyone. Win, win. There are many small businesses who are extending the reach of their customers by complementing casual market sales with online shops.

  • How do you run an online retail business?

    An online retail business is one that sells products or services over the internet. There are many ways to run an online retail business, but the most common way is to use an ecommerce platform like Shopify and sell products from your very own website.

  • What ways can you run an online retail business?

    There are two main ways to run your online retail business. The first is by selling products or services directly on your own website. The second way is selling products or services through a third-party platform such as Amazon or eBay, or even through a marketplace like Etsy.

  • Are online sales in the UK increasing?

    The UK is fast becoming a nation of internet shoppers. But are we buying even more stuff online than we used to? The answer is a resounding yes according to Statista who early this year (2023) said over 80 percent of the UK population makes ecommerce purchases. This means that a whopping four in five UK consumers are digital buyers. The number of people who shop online has been steadily increasing over time, with a massive rise in recent years potentially because of COVID-19.

  • Is online retail an industry?

    Online retail is a booming industry that is focused on the non-physical store or shop sales from online and mail order purchases. The rapid growth of online retail has been massively supported by an increase in smartphone usage and mobile commerce. Smartphones with apps like TikTok have increased the ability to make purchases online, online retail looks set to continue to grow. Consumers of all ages have become more comfortable with making purchases not just on a laptop or computer but also on mobile devices as retailers expand their digital offerings.

  • Has online shopping changed the world?

    The internet has revolutionised how we shop. Small business owners trading as online retailers are able to offer a much wider range of products than brick-and-mortar shops, and they can do it at much lower prices. But there is more to online shopping than just convenience, a bigger selection of products and better prices. The speed with which you can buy goods online means that it’s easier than ever for people to do their shopping from home, or anywhere else in the world.

  • What are the examples of online retailers?

    Online shopping has changed how we live our lives in many ways. It allows us to order groceries when we're hungry, clothes when we need them and even have someone else pick up our prescriptions at the pharmacy. Whatever products you create, make or sell to meet the needs of your customers can be the basis of your online retail shop.

  • What is ecommerce insurance?

    Ecommerce insurance is a type of business insurance that is specifically designed for ecommerce businesses or the online selling part of your business. It is designed to protect your small business against things that can go wrong when you create, design, make or sell-on products to customers through your online shop.

  • What does Lukango ecommerce insurance (arranged and administered by Markel Direct) include? include?

    You’ll be offered Public & Products liability, Stock & Business Equipment insurance, Employers’ Liability insurance, Professional Indemnity, Directors & Officers insurance, Legal Expenses cover, and Cyber & Data Risks insurance. You can pick and choose what is right for you and make sure you are covered for the important things that protect your small business in the event of a problem springing up!

  • Why do you need insurance for your ecommerce business?

    Ecommerce insurance gives you peace of mind in case something goes wrong. If you sell products online, figuring out the right range of insurance covers like public & products liability, stock insurance and employers’ liability insurance for ecommerce businesses can protect you, your business and your customers. We can help so get in touch with us!

  • Should I get a policy tailored specifically to my business needs?

    It can be difficult getting the right ecommerce insurance coverage. So by spending some time working with Lukango’s insurance partners, you’ll be able to tailor a policy that works for your small business. Lukango believes every small business owner deserves ecommerce insurance cover that is tailored and designed with you, for you.

Public Liability

  • How much public liability insurance do I need?

    As there is no legal requirement to have public liability insurance, there is no legal limit on how much cover you should have in place.

    With Markel Direct, you can choose the amount of cover you have - £1m, £2m or £5m.

    The lower the level of cover you have, the lower your premiums will be – but a lower cover limit can also leave you at risk if a large claim is made against your business.

  • What does public liability insurance cover?

    Public liability offers protection for your small business against slips and trips, or property damage of a third party who comes into contact with your business.

Product Liability

  • How is public liability and product liability insurance different?

    Product liability insurance covers you for any damage or injuries that happen to your customers as a result of your product being faulty. This is different from public liability which provides cover should someone slip or trip when they come into contact with your business. Contact could be at your farmer's market, place of work, workshop or where you physically sell your products or services.

  • What does product liability do?

    If that accident happens, and someone suffers an injury or damage because of one of the products you sell, then product liability coverage protects your business. It is important that you have insurance to cover the depth and scale of what it is that your small business does. This includes making sure you have coverage for any damage caused by your products.


  • What is stock insurance?

    Stock is any goods or merchandise for sale in your small business. This could be the finished product or the raw materials, like wool or glue, that you use to create and sell. Stock insurance covers your most important assets, the things you actually sell to customers, and can replace it up to its purchase value if that disaster happens.

    Lost, damaged or stolen, Stock insurance is one of those insurance covers that puts many of the small business owners we know at ease.

    This insurance cover needs some attention to detail! Stock insurance does require a little work from you to make sure that in the event of a problem, you have recorded your stock levels accurately so that your policy claim can be paid to the right level.

  • How much does stock insurance cost?

    Stock insurance is typically an additional cover that focuses solely on the protection of stock in the event of theft, damage, fire or loss.

    This part of your policy can costs less than a monthly Spotify subscription but has the flexibility to cover your most valuable assets - your stock that you have invested time, money and energy into creating. It is important to understand where the items are stored (i.e. safely and securely) and the value of the items will change the overall cost of the stock insurance.

  • Did you know that in the event of a claim against your stock insurance you will need to be able to justify the value of the claim?

    Keep this in mind and always have simple, easy to understand records of your stock and its value. There could be penalties if your small business fails to make records that will be used in the event of a claim.

Employers' Liability

  • What is employers' liability?

    Employers' liability insurance covers the cost of compensating employees who are injured at or become ill through work.

    You must get employers' liability insurance as soon as you become an employer - and it must cover you for at least £5 million.

    Employers' liability insurance will help you pay compensation if an employee is injured or becomes ill because of the work they do for you

Media & Creative

  • What is a creative business?

    You own a creative business if you make, design, create, bake or style your products or services for your customers.

    From the great British bakers to the vintage clothing customisers, you are the artistic geniuses who share their joy of creating with the world. 

  • What insurance do I need for my creative business?

    You can make sure your business empire is protected by having insurance, here are a few covers available:

    • Public Liability: to reduce financial risk should someone trip and fall during a Zumba class for example
    • Product Liability: in case someone’s tasty treat causes an unexpected allergic reaction
    • Employers Liability: to protect your small business if one of your creative-makers takes a tumble
    • Stock Liability: if your latest personalised customer trainers is water damaged
    • Professional Indemnity: if you give any instruction or advice to your clients that is not as accurate as it should have been
  • Why do small media and creative businesses need insurance?

    Small media and creative businesses face various risks, including legal claims being brought against them, damage to equipment or property, theft of intellectual property, and potential legal claims. Insurance provides financial protection in case of unforeseen events, helping businesses recover from losses and continue their day to day operations.

  • What types of insurance do small media and creative businesses typically need?

    The insurance needs of small media and creative businesses may vary, but some common types of coverage include public liability insurance, professional liability insurance, and cyber & data risks insurance. We get small business and make it easy to understand the specific coverage needed for your particular business.

  • How could professional indemnity insurance benefit small media and creative businesses?

    Professional indemnity insurance could protect businesses against claims of negligence, errors, or mistakes that may arise from professional services you offer. This coverage helps cover legal expenses, settlements, or judgments resulting from claims a less than happy customer pursues.

  • Are there industry-specific insurance considerations for small media and creative businesses?

    Certain types of businesses in the creative and media field may have unique insurance considerations. For example, media companies may need professional indemnity insurance to protect against claims of defamation, copyright infringement, or invasion of privacy. Photographers or videographers might need business equipment insurance to cover their valuable camera gear. It's important to discuss the industry-specific needs that insurance could help protect if something doesn’t go according to plan.

  • Do freelance designers or independent artists need insurance?

    Freelance designers and independent artists can benefit from having insurance coverage. While their work may not involve substantial physical risks, they still face potential liability claims related to the services they provide. For example, if a freelance designer's work is used by a client and results in a copyright infringement claim, professional indemnity insurance could help cover legal expenses and potential damages.

    Take a look at the insurance we could offer for those of you working in the creative industry.

Professional Indemnity

  • What is underinsurance?

    Please grab the answer from the social post on Linkedin

  • What types of business might benefit from professional indemnity?

    If your business gives any professional advice (whether for a fee or not), or provides services or designs to your customers, then you may be held responsible if a client suffers a financial loss due to a mistake or error on your part.

  • What does professional indemnity insurance cover?

    Professional indemnity insurance is tailored for all types of professionals from accountants to consultants. It covers legal costs and damages that crop up from professional mistakes made by your business or from your employees. As an added bonus this kind of insurance covers claims of defamation, copyright infringement or a breakdown of confidentiality

  • What does the ‘limit of indemnity’ for professional indemnity insurance mean?

    The limit of indemnity is the maximum amount your insurers will pay for a claim under your policy. It is super important to carefully review the policy limits to make sure you have enough cover for any potential legal costs and damages.

Legal Expenses

  • What types of legal disputes does legal expenses insurance cover?

    Legal expenses insurance can cover a range of legal disputes, including employment disputes, contract disputes, tax disputes, and property disputes. The specific coverage will depend on the policy and the insurance provider.

  • What is the limit of indemnity for legal expenses insurance?

    The limit of indemnity for legal expenses insurance varies depending on the policy and the insurance provider. Read the policy limits carefully, you want to make sure that the policy limits are enough to cover potential legal costs.

  • What is the excess for legal expenses insurance?

    The excess is the portion of the legal costs that you will have to pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in. The amount of the excess will depend on the policy and the insurance provider (a bit like car insurance excess).

  • What is excluded from legal expenses insurance coverage?

    Legal expenses insurance policies may have some exclusions, such as intentional or criminal acts. It is important to carefully review the policy exclusions to understand what is not covered.

Directors & Officers

  • Can Lukango explain Directors & Officers insurance?

    D&O insurance can cover legal fees, settlements, and judgments arising from claims against directors and officers for wrongful acts. It may also cover costs associated with regulatory investigations and defence against criminal charges.

  • What factors can affect the cost of D&O insurance?

    The size and nature of the business, the financial stability of the company, the industry, the number of directors and officers to be insured, and what level of coverage can all affect the cost of D&O insurance. It is good to be smart here and think about setting a higher level of indemnity if your company is a business with a lot of cash in the pot.

  • Do non-profit businesses need Directors & Officers insurance?

    Yes they do. Non-profit organisations in the process of doing good need insurance cover no matter the nature of the business. The directors and partners of the business will still need to stick to the rules and regulations set out for them and having cover for defence costs, settlements and protection against allegations is a handy thing to have.

Cyber & Data Risks

  • What does cyber insurance protect my business from?

    Phishing attacks: Phishing attacks are one of the most common forms of cyber attacks. They involve tricking users into clicking on a link or downloading an attachment in an email that contains nasty viruses or malicious code. The emails are really great at looking like they are from a legit business or masquerading as a trustworthy source.

    Ransomware attacks:
    Ransomware attacks are on the rise and have become more sophisticated. They involve locking down a business's files or systems before demanding payment to release them. These attacks can be devastating for small businesses that probably don’t have the money to pay the ransom.

    Insider threats:
    Hackers and cyber criminals are always looking for ways to exploit the weak spots in a small business. Insider threats literally come from within! They can come from employees, contractors, or partners who have access to a business's systems and data. The results? Sensitive information or intentional sabotage.

    Third-party risks:
    UK SMEs may also face risks from third-party vendors or suppliers who have access to their systems or data. These risks can include data breaches, theft of intellectual property, or other security threats.

  • Why is cyber and data risks insurance so important

    Cyber and data risks insurance should be considered when you have sensitive and confidential information being put online to be shared around the world. While good cyber security measures will help with data and technology failures, insufficient data protection could result in further losses if not covered by cyber insurance policies. Data risk insurance eliminates the uncertainty of a potential worst-case scenario because it insures for the losses that could result from a mishandling of sensitive data.

  • What can I do to protect my small business from cyber attacks?

    The risk of cyber attacks and data breaches is no longer an imaginary one. With the advances in tech, cyber security needs to be in place to protect companies from potential breaches of their networks, databases or computers. In some cases this isn’t enough, so adding cyber and data risks insurance could help to protect you, your business, your employees and your customers against the risk of a targeted cyber attack.


  • I need help with my small business insurance! Who can I speak to?

    There are lots of ways to get in touch. Visit the contact us page or or call 0330 013 9962 to speak to our insurer partner, Markel Direct.

  • What times can I call to speak to you?

    Don’t hesitate to call our insurer partner, Markel Direct, on 0330 013 9962 between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday to discuss your policy.

  • How do I get in touch with you out of hours or on the weekend?

    A reminder that our insurer partner’s (Markel Direct) phone lines will be back open during the week between 8.30am and 5.30pm when you can call 0330 013 9962. Or, visit the contact us page for more details.

Business Equipment

  • What is business equipment insurance?

    Business equipment insurance is a type of insurance policy that gives you a little bit of extra business protection if it is lost, stolen or damaged by unexpected events like theft, flood or fire.

  • What types of equipment are covered by business equipment insurance?

    Business equipment insurance can cover a wide range of equipment that you use in the day-to-day running of your business. Think computers, machinery, tools, and other equipment. There are a few things that are not covered so, as with all insurance, it's important to check your policy details.

  • How much business equipment insurance do I need?

    The amount of business equipment insurance you need will depend on the value of your equipment and the risks your business faces. It's important to assess the value of your equipment and purchase enough insurance to cover the cost of replacing it in the event of a loss.

  • Is business equipment insurance required by law?

    Business equipment insurance is not a legal requirement in the UK, but it is a good idea to have it to protect your business from potential losses.

Cyber Bundle

  • What exactly is a cyber attack?

    Think of a cyber attack as a sneaky attempt by cyber criminals to exploit vulnerabilities in your computer systems or networks. It’s like an unwelcome guest trying to break into your digital home and steal your information.

  • How can I protect my small business from cyber attacks?

    Start by having strong passwords, regularly updating your software, and training yourself and your team to recognise and avoid suspicious emails or links. It’s like putting up a strong fence and an alarm system for your digital building in the metaverse. The good news is the Lukango Cyber Bundle puts the right tools in place for your business and provides guidelines along the way, meaning you have the support you need from the word go.

  • What’s the deal with phishing?

    Phishing is a sneaky trick that cyber criminals use to trick you into sharing sensitive information, like passwords, your customers details or credit card numbers. They disguise their emails or websites to look completely legit, but remember: never share sensitive information with sources you don’t trust. The Lukango Cyber Bundle pulls together the best cyber tools on the market to not only protect your business but also give you guidance that could help keep cyber attacks at bay.

  • What is a firewall?

    Firewalls are like strong walls protecting your digital assets. The firewalls monitor incoming and outgoing traffic, acting like gatekeepers to filter out the malicious stuff while letting the legit things through.

  • What does ransomware mean?

    Ransomware is a nasty malware (or digital virus) that can lock your files and demand money to unlock them. But don’t panic! The important thing is to backup your important files regularly and stay updated with security patches to avoid falling into their trap. Tanium is one of the tools in the Lukango Cyber Bundle that gives you real-time protection from incoming threats and the with Cyber Centre you get ongoing support when you need it.

  • Can Cyber attacks affect my small business’s reputation?

    Absolutely! A cyber attack can not only harm your business financially but also damage your hard-earned reputation. Customers value trust and security of the financial data they share with you when they make a purchase of a product or service. Getting the Lukango Cyber Bundle makes cyber security a priority for your business and your five-star reputation in tact.

  • Is it necessary to educate my employees about cyber security?

    Your team is your first line of defence. Organise fun and interactive training sessions to teach them about cyber threats, safe online practices, and how to be the digital superheroes protecting your business! The good news for you is that the Lukango Cyber Bundle gets you access to guidelines that will help you put a cyber protection plan in place and ongoing help for you and your team.

  • Can I get expert help for my small business cyber security?

    Lukango has curate the best cyber security tools at an unbelievable monthly cost. These combined cyber experts, services and support are available to help your business, big or small. By purchasing the Lukango Cyber Bundle you can get guidance through the confusing maze of threats and help keep your business safe and secure.

  • What is a VPN?

    Imagine a VPN as a screen that hides your online activities from cyber criminals and hackers curious eyes. It stands for Virtual Private Network, and it adds an extra layer of protection by encrypting or scrambling your internet connection. As part of the Lukango Cyber Bundle, you’ll get access to our VPN so you can browse the web with no worries about your data falling into the wrong hands.

  • Is my small business really a target for hackers?

    You might be surprised, but even the smallest of businesses or start-ups can be prime targets for hackers. They often think we’re an easier target. By putting strong cyber security practices in place, you can show potential cyber criminals that you have mighty business defence for your small organisation.

  • Do I need cyber software protection and cyber insurance as well?

    Cyber software protection is like having the best shield to keep your business safe from cyber threats. Cyber insurance, on the other hand, is like having a safety net in case something manages to slip through the net. With both in place, you’ll feel confident about navigating cyber security so you can focus on growing your business.

  • Am I covered if my business is home-based?

    Whether your office is in a fancy workspace or a cosy corner of your home, cyber security is crucial. Hackers and cyber criminals don’t discriminate based on type of business or business location. The cost of the Lukango Cyber Bundle is based on the number of people that need cyber cover within your business. And, whatever the size and shape your business takes, you’ll get maximum, premium cyber security coverage.

  • How do I install all of these products?

    Installing the products and tools with the Lukango Cyber Bundle couldn’t be easier (and definitely faster than assembling IKEA flat-pack furniture). The beauty of our cyber cover is we provide step-by-step instructions to install the cyber tools with guides to get you started. As well as that you’ll get full access to full support and help when you need it and to Cyber Command: data, insights and intelligence about the security of your business.


  • What types of insurance should I consider for my professional services business in the UK?

    It's highly recommended that you consider professional liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, and cyber & risks cover. Depending on your specific industry and business needs, you could benefit from additional types of insurance coverage.

  • What does professional indemnity insurance cover?

    Professional indemnity insurance could provide protection for your business against claims of professional negligence, misrepresentation, and other errors or omissions that may result in financial loss for a third party.

  • What types of business is classed as professional?

    In the UK, professional services businesses are defined as those that offer expertise and knowledge to customers. These businesses cut across industries including legal firms, accounting companies, engineering firms, marketing agencies and IT consultancies.

  • What is cyber & risks insurance cover, and do I need it?

    Cyber & Risks insurance covers expenses related to data breaches, pesky cyber-attacks, and other cyber threats. This type of insurance could support any business that collects and stores sensitive data electronically, including account information, credit card numbers, and personal identifying information.

  • How much does professional services insurance cost in the UK?

    The cost of insurance coverage will depend on various factors, including the type of coverage, the level of protection required, the size of your business, your industry, and your business location. It's recommended that you speak with an insurance provider to receive a personalised quote for your professional services business.


  • What types of trades are covered under Trades insurance?

    Trades Insurance provides coverage for a wide range of trades and professions in the UK. Whether you're a builder, electrician, plumber, decorator, or any other tradesperson, a tailored insurance policy that meets your specific needs and requirements is a good thing to have.

  • What does Trades insurance typically cover?

    Trades Insurance offers comprehensive coverage for various aspects of your trades business. This can include protection for your tools, equipment, and materials against theft, damage, or loss. It can also provide coverage for public liability, employer's liability, and legal costs for claims made against you due to unforeseen events.

  • How much does Trades insurance cost?

    The cost of Trades insurance can vary depending on several factors, such as the nature of your trade, the size of your business, and the coverage limits you require. Lukango has partnered with one of the UK’s leading business insurance providers, Markel Direct, to offer customers jargon-free, tailored small business insurance.

    It's best to contact our team for a personalised quote tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

  • Can I add additional coverage to my Trades insurance policy?

    We understand that every tradesperson's needs are unique. That's why we offer the flexibility to add additional coverage options to your Trades insurance policy. Whether you need professional indemnity insurance, business equipment cover, or other specialised coverage, we can help tailor a policy to your requirements.

  • Is Trades insurance mandatory for tradespeople in the UK?

    While Trades insurance is not legally required for all tradespeople in the UK, it is highly recommended. Having adequate insurance coverage can protect your business from unexpected events and potential financial losses. Additionally, some clients and contracts may require you to have specific insurance coverage in place before working with them.

  • I’m a sole trader plumber, do I need business insurance?

    Are you in the trades business as a plumber, electrician, or carpenter? Ensure the safety and security of your trade with crafted insurance solutions from Lukango. We understand the unique risks and challenges these industries face and offer comprehensive coverage specifically designed for trades businesses like yours. From liability insurance to protect against accidents to equipment coverage ensuring the safety of your tools, Lukango has you covered. Don't let unexpected events drain your resources – get a quote today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your trade business is adequately protected. Partner with Lukango and focus on what you do best, while we take care of your insurance needs.

  • What types of trades businesses are covered by Lukango's insurance policies?

    Lukango offers insurance solutions tailored to a wide range of trades businesses, including plumbers, electricians, carpenters, HVAC technicians, painters, and more. Whether you work independently or operate a small team, our insurance policies are designed to meet the unique needs of trades professionals.

  • What types of coverage are included in Lukango's trades insurance policies?

    Our trades insurance policies typically include public liability insurance, which protects against third-party claims for bodily injury or property damage. We also offer coverage for tools and equipment, business interruption, and employer's liability insurance. Each policy can be customised to suit the specific requirements of your trades business.

  • How can I get a quote for trades insurance from Lukango?

    Getting a quote for trades insurance from Lukango is quick and easy. Simply click the Get Quote button at the top of this page, fill out the online quote form with your business details, and you’ll have a quote within a few minutes that is competitively priced and easy to understand.

Tech & Data

  • What kind of insurance is necessary for my tech business?

    There are multiple insurance policies that a tech business owner should consider, including professional indemnity insurance, cyber & data risk insurance, general liability insurance, and business equipment insurance. Each policy provides coverage for different risks and liabilities, so it's crucial to assess your specific business needs to determine which policies are most appropriate for your tech business.

  • Is insurance required for an online tech business?

    Having insurance coverage for an online tech business is highly recommended. Cyber & data risk insurance is especially important, as online businesses are susceptible to cyber attacks and data breaches. To ensure comprehensive protection for your online tech business, it's advisable to explore insurance options that specifically cater to the risks associated with online operations.

  • Can insurance protect my tech business against theft and property damage?

    Insurance policies can indeed protect your tech business from theft and property damage. Policies like property insurance and business equipment insurance can provide coverage for stolen or damaged assets and any harm caused to your physical premises. Review the terms and conditions of your policy to understand the coverage provided.

  • Can I modify my insurance policy if my tech business changes?

    It's crucial to keep your insurance policy up to date as your tech business evolves. To adjust your coverage according to the changes in your business operations, it's recommended to discuss your requirements with your insurance provider. By doing so, you can ensure that your insurance policy aligns with your current business needs and continues to offer suitable protection.

  • How much does insurance for a tech business typically cost?

    The cost of insurance for a tech business varies depending on factors such as the size and nature of your business, the coverage limits required, the location, and your claims history. Lukango has partnered with Markel Direct, a leading UK business insurance provider, to offer tailored insurance solutions for small businesses in the tech industry. Contact us for a personalised quote that is jargon-free insurance designed to meet the specific needs of your tech business.


  • Who are Lukango and how can they help my tutoring, teaching, mentoring, or coaching business?

    Lukango is an insurance provider that offers flexible and easy-to-understand insurance cover for small businesses. With over 50 years of experience in insurance underwriting, claims, and digital product development, Lukango understands the unique needs of small businesses like yours. We have partnered with like-minded insurance providers, Markel, to offer personalised insurance options tailored to your industry.

  • What type of insurance does my tutoring, teaching, mentoring, or coaching business need?

    As a business owner in the education and coaching sector, you may require various types of insurance. Some essential coverage options to consider are professional indemnity insurance, public liability insurance, and business equipment insurance. Lukango can guide you through the process of choosing the right insurance policies to protect your business from financial losses resulting from claims or unforeseen events.

  • Is insurance for my tutoring, teaching, mentoring, or coaching business a legal requirement?

    While insurance requirements can vary depending on your location, certain types of insurance may be mandatory or strongly recommended for your business. For example, professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance are often required by clients or partners before they work with you. It's important to understand the specific legal obligations and industry norms in your area, and Lukango can provide support on the necessary coverage for your business.

  • Can Lukango insurance cover different types of education and coaching businesses?

    Yes, Lukango provides cover for a wide range of businesses in the tutoring, teaching, mentoring, and coaching industries. Whether you are a private tutor, music teacher, school teacher, or offer specialised coaching services, Lukango has tailored insurance packages to suit your specific needs. They understand that each business is unique and can support you in finding the right coverage.

  • Can I get insurance from Lukango for my business before it is officially registered?

    Yes, if you are in the process of setting up a new tutoring, teaching, mentoring, or coaching business, you can purchase insurance cover before completing the registration process. You don't need to have a company registration number or other registration details to buy insurance. This allows you to protect your equipment, stock, or employees even before your business is officially launched. Lukango can assist you in understanding your risks and help you select the appropriate coverage.


  • I am a consultant working with a leadership team, do I need insurance?

    Lukango, we understand the unique needs of small business owners, entrepreneurs, and sole traders like you. Our range of small business insurance options, including cyber insurance and other types of protection, are designed to provide exactly what you need to safeguard your business. Whether you're a beauty and wellness consultant, e-commerce specialist, media and creative expert, or a tech and data consultant, Lukango offers industry-leading insurance coverage backed by Markel. Get a quick quote now and enjoy a 10% discount with offer code LUK10. Don't wait until it's too late – ensure your consulting business is properly protected with Lukango's comprehensive insurance policies."

  • What types of consultants are covered by Lukango's insurance policies?

    Lukango's insurance policies are designed to provide coverage for a wide range of consultants, including management consultants, financial consultants, technology consultants, human resources consultants, and other professional advisors. Whether you work as an independent consultant or within a consulting firm, our policies are tailored to meet the specific needs of consultants.

  • What types of coverage are included in Lukango's insurance policies for consultants?

    Our insurance policies for consultants typically include professional indemnity insurance, which protects against claims of errors, omissions, or negligence in the advice or services provided. Additionally, we offer public liability insurance to cover third-party claims for bodily injury or property damage. Our policies can be further customised to include cyber liability insurance, legal expenses, and more.

  • How can I obtain a quote for consultant insurance from Lukango?

    Getting a quote for consultant insurance from Lukango is straightforward. You can visit our website and complete the online quote form with your specific details.You’ll get comprehensive cover with our competitive pricing in minutes.

IT Professionals

  • As an IT professional looking to grow my clients what insurance would help me?

    As an IT project manager, front-end developer, or data analyst, you understand the importance of protecting your work and assets. That's why we offer tailored insurance solutions specifically designed for IT professionals like you. Our comprehensive coverage includes professional liability insurance to safeguard against errors and omissions, as well as cyber insurance to protect your data and networks from potential threats. With Lukango, you can focus on delivering exceptional IT solutions and leave your insurance worries behind. Get a quote today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your IT profession is adequately protected.

  • What types of IT professionals are covered by Lukango's insurance policies?

    Lukango offers insurance solutions tailored to various IT professionals, including IT project managers, front-end developers, data analysts, cybersecurity specialists, and more. Whether you work as an independent contractor or within a larger IT organization, our insurance policies are designed to meet the unique needs of IT professionals.

  • What types of coverage are included in Lukango's insurance policies for IT professionals?

    Our insurance policies for IT professionals typically include professional liability insurance, which protects against claims related to errors, omissions, or negligence in your professional services. Additionally, we offer cyber liability insurance to safeguard against data breaches and other cyber incidents. Our policies can be customized to include coverage for business interruption, equipment protection, and more.

  • How can I get a quote for insurance for IT professionals from Lukango?

    Obtaining a quote for insurance for IT professionals from Lukango is simple. You can visit our website and fill out our online quote form with your specific details, after which one of our insurance specialists will reach out to discuss your coverage needs. Alternatively, you can contact our dedicated customer service team to receive personalized assistance and learn more about our insurance offerings for IT professionals.

Lets get your business covered