Your small business is incredibly important to you so you probably already have great insurance in place like product liability or stock insurance. Did you know you can stop worrying about small business emergencies and focus on growing your business by adding some other types of insurance, like legal expenses insurance?
For small business owners like you, legal expenses insurance can be a valuable way to protect your business against unexpected legal costs and to get access to legal advice and representation when needed.
Find out more about small business legal expenses insurance below or click here to get a quote:
Legal expenses insurance can cover a range of legal disputes, including employment disputes, contract disputes, tax disputes, and property disputes. The specific coverage will depend on the policy and the insurance provider.
The limit of indemnity for legal expenses insurance varies depending on the policy and the insurance provider. Read the policy limits carefully, you want to make sure that the policy limits are enough to cover potential legal costs.
The excess is the portion of the legal costs that you will have to pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in. The amount of the excess will depend on the policy and the insurance provider (a bit like car insurance excess).
Legal expenses insurance policies may have some exclusions, such as intentional or criminal acts. It is important to carefully review the policy exclusions to understand what is not covered.